Guy Watson

Protected trees

Trees may be subject to legal protection. If you live in a Conservation Area or have a tree which is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) it is very likely that you will need to advise the Local Planning Authority (LPA) of your intention to carry out any work. If your property is within a Conservation Area you must provide the LPA with six week notice of your intention to carry out works to a tree. If your tree is under TPO you must make a formal application and obtain consent. We can help you prepare an application as well as provide advice on how to best manage your trees. We can also assist in researching the legality and enforceability of TPOs and making representations to the LPA in respect of the requested works.

The Forestry Act, 1967, protects trees on many other areas of land, not just woodlands and forests. If you are proposing to fell trees that may fall under this protection, that is trees growing anywhere other than trees in a garden, orchard, churchyard or designated public open space (eg. under the Commons Act 1899), then you may need to obtain a felling licence.

Certain exemptions apply to these requirements but great care should be exercised before carrying out works under these. We can provide suitable advice and obtain necessary consents or ensure that you are acting within the exemptions.

A Gloucester estate

Scots Pine
